Monday, June 15, 2015

Yang Kaya Dunia, Yang Kaya Akhirat

Banyak jenis manusia
Di dunia
Yang kaya 
Yang miskin
Yang tiada apa-apa

Yang kini
masih terpaku
ajaibnya masih ada
akan manusia
yang hilangnya cinta tiada
kepada sang Pencipta

Berbantalkan permata
wang dan segala
masih utuh jiwanya
akan Ya Rabb
tidak lekang
basah dengan kalimah zikir
membuatkan jiwa kosong ini
rasa terpanggil

Seru nama Tuhanmu
Biar jiwa bangkit
biar hati yang sakit
dengan ingatan kuat
kepada Dia
Biar dia urus segala
yang tak mampu
kudrat laksanakan
Dia kan ada
percaya padaNya
Serah jiwa
Taubat hati mu
jiwa dan anggota
setiap langkah
hanya untukNya

tinggalkan dosa
kembali sujud
pada yang Uhud.

-hamba usang-

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


the isolation 
has brought me
far from what i wish
closer to death that i believe

sincerely drown in endless sleeping
without halt nor destiny
keep tight to surrounding
and nothing far can i reach

In this sorrow
of darkness glimpse
of beautiful curse you will spell
of anxiety plead you would stand
nor soul could come
to save and survive
in this dungeon
of sorrow i would call

The mysterious in me, 2015.
Pic courtesy of forums.station

-true masterpiece-
by PillarTrail,  HZ

Monday, June 1, 2015

Random Feeling: U feel it out of nowhere


I just need a booster to get me started. I am feeling like walking towards the dead end. Suffocating in the middle. the air too dense to breath. the path to slippery to mount. 

Is this the normal feeling? or am I the one who exaggerating?

They said;
"Success is the sweetest revenge"

of what????? i hold no grunge on anything. -__________-

Waiting for the right time to come. As long as i am still strong, in and out, i shall pass this. 

So soon.

-The Pillar Trail-
anonymous at random, HZ